Patricia's Story

Seeking Pain Relief

Patricia was at the end of her wits, working professionally in the medical industry but cannot find any relief requiring yet another surgery which she fervently wants to avoid. She has already spent a year in avoidance because Gua-Sha looks so painful and yet she almost fell asleep when given Gua-sha. An immediate difference for only the cost of a balm! Patricia was treated once per week for 3 weeks, for only a few minutes, follow the progress here… Could Gua-Sha help you too?

Watch the videos below to follow her story from pain to relief...

Start Of Her Journey

First Interview

Patricia has multiple aches and pains on her body and nothing she has tried has worked or helped. Here for the first time she is getting Gua Sha to help her, using Happy Quokka's 'Sha'-ving Balm. Join her in her journey to a more painless life.

Patricia's First Gua Sha Scraping

Having never had Gua Sha done before, Patricia was so nervous about it as she was always scared of it. Watch and see how it goes for her.

Reaction To First Gua Sha Results

Watch Patricia's reaction to the results of her first EVER Gua Sha scraping.

Check In Call The Next Day 
After First Gua Sha

Check in phone call with Patricia after her first ever Gua Sha scraping! How did she go? Lets find out!

How Long For The  Marks To Fade?

The Next Day


Third Day


Fourth Day

Next Week

Back From The First Gu Sha 
How Was It?

Patricia comes back after her first ever Gua Sha scraping. So how it it go for her? Any improvements to her issues?

Second Gua Sha Scraping 
Any Difference This Time?

Patricia comes back from a second Gua Sha scraping. Is there any difference from the first?

Third Week

After Two Gua Sha Scrapings 
How Was It?

Patrica has had two scrapings now. Can she see much difference?

A Third Gua Sha Scraping  
Varicose Vein Popping Up?

Patricia gets a third gua sha scraping. Is it different this time?